My Move to the Ocean

Clara Berta Studio - Now in Laguna Beach

I dreamed about living by the beach, with a view of the ocean, for twenty-some years.

It was time for a change. Last year was immensely challenging, coping with illness and grief. Friends encouraged me to find a creative community that aligns with my energy. My beautiful friend Debra said, "Clara, your vibe is in Laguna Beach." She was right!

My home and art studio are now located in a beautiful cottage facing Heisler Park. The ocean, my endless source of inspiration, is at my doorstep.

It’s been seven months since I lost my beautiful fiancé Sandy. Now, I feel my creativity flooding back. Daily walks, writing (working with my writing coach and doing a "morning pages journal"), morning meditations, and getting Reiki from wonderful healers in my community have all helped me heal and get back in the creative zone.

I am creating a new series of paintings and I feel so inspired. I have also been making a short documentary called 'An Artist's Journey' with filmmaker Ayrton Carrazco and are submitting to film festivals. I can't wait to share it with you soon - stay tuned for details!

As always, my new home studio is open to visitors by appointment. I invite you to come visit and enjoy this magical place by the ocean!

Some of my latest inspiration:






May 31, 2024
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